When to Plant Carrot Seeds

When to plant carrots is based on the weather where you live. Early planting may keep seeds from germinating; planting a bit late is less problematic as carrots can germinate and grow from early spring all the way into the fall. Learn when to plant your seeds to ensure a productive carrot patch.


First, check the weather

You want to plant carrot seeds about three to four weeks prior to the last spring frost. It really is that easy. As soon as the ground is workable and the last frost is on its way, you can put those seeds in the dirt and start them germinating.

Prep your garden.

  • Your garden should be tilled to a minimum of eight inches deep.
  • Be sure your carrot patch is situated to get full sunlight, or mostly full.
  • Bone meal, or another fertilizer that contains phosphorous, is a great choice for healthy carrots.
  • Carrots prefer soil that is loose, sandy, and well drained, so you may need to add some sand to your garden.

Manure and nitrogen products are not good for your carrot plants, so don’t use them.

Plenty of Water is Vital

In addition to a tilled garden and plenty of seed, you’ll need plenty of water for your carrot seeds to germinate. In fact, you’ll need to keep your carrot seeds moist until they’ve germinated fully. A soaker hose, a sprinkler, or just a regular watering schedule is necessary for the success of your carrot garden.

How to plant carrot seeds.

After watering your garden, it’s time to sow the seeds. Plant them about an inch apart, all the way down each row. Just create a shallow dimple in the earth, place a seed in it, and lightly spread a little dirt over it. That’s all there is to it, but there is an even easier way to do this.

Instead of sowing seeds one at a time, you can use the sprinkle method to start your carrots. Just water the soil where you’re planting, then sprinkle your carrot seeds over the area. Try to cover the soil evenly with the seeds.

Next, throw some dirt over the entire area so that your seeds are under about ¼ inch of soil, then water. This method is easy and since you’ll be thinning your carrot plants twice, there’s little concern about spacing.

Water is Key to Successful Growth

After you’ve got your seeds in the earth, your carrot seeds will need plenty of water. Keeping your seeds wet will ensure they germinate correctly. You can use a soaker hose, an irrigation set up, a sprinkler, or a schedule of frequent watering; whatever works to keep those seeds moist throughout the germination process.

Text: Garden.eco