Keep Your Weeping Cherry Tree Happy with Proper Planting and Care

The flowing branches of weeping cherry trees produce a spectacular display of blossoms each spring. These trees deserve a special spot in the landscape where their annual show of flowers and cascading branches is in full view. Proper weeping cherry tree care includes selecting the best variety for your location, planting the tree carefully, and watering regularly – but not too much.


Choosing a Weeping Cherry Tree Variety

Start by choosing a variety of weeping cherry tree best suited for your climate zone and the spot in your landscape where you want to plant the tree.

Weeping cherry trees come in numerous varieties suitable for USDA climate zones 3 through 8, but each type does best in a particular range of temperatures and conditions. Check your climate zone before buying a tree, and choose a tree to match your zone and planting location.

The size of weeping cherry trees ranges from low-standing dwarfs to trees as tall as a two-story house. Smaller trees spread their boughs less, and larger trees need a wider space around them to grow comfortably. So select a variety with the best mature size for the location in your landscape where the tree will live.

Planting a Weeping Cherry Tree

Weeping cherry trees grow largest in full-sun, but most can tolerate some shade. To plant a weeping cherry tree:

  • Dig a hole as deep as the tree’s root ball and three times as wide.
  • Weeping cherry trees like fertile soil, so if your soil is less than optimum, mix some compost in with the native soil. If your soil is rich, do not add any additional organic matter.
  • Set the tree into the hole and back-fill around the roots, firming the soil down as you go.
  • When the hole is half full, add water to help the soil settle completely around the roots.
  • Fill the hole to the top with soil, but be sure the base of the tree trunk is not below the ground level.
  • Water the tree immediately after planting.

Caring for Your Weeping Cherry Tree after Planting

Water weeping cherry trees during warm weather, applying water with a drip system or by letting a hose dribble around the base of the tree. However, do not give the tree too much water because doing so can lead to disease problems in the root system.

Fertilize the tree lightly in spring as leaves bud out. A 1 to 2 inch (2.5 to 5 cm) layer of compost placed around the base of the tree provides nutrients and acts as a mulch, preventing evaporation of water. Keep the mulch about 6 inches (15 cm) back from the base of the trunk.

Weeping cherry trees do not need much pruning. However, cut off dead and diseased branches in winter or whenever they appear.
