Cat mint can proliferate if you don’t keep it in check. This is for many the main reason to cut this perennial regularly. But there are many more reasons why a cut can be useful. To preserve health A backcut,…
To buy a preferred catnip and plant it in the garden is no trick. If you are looking for a little challenge and love watching small seeds turn into pretty perennials, you should pull catnip from seeds. Select suitable seed If you already have a catnip and want to multiply it, you can use its seeds. But beware: Not all catnip varieties are well fertile and produce seeds. Well…
The Akebie or climbing cucumber (bot. Akebia quinata) comes from East Asia. As a tropical plant, it is only conditionally hardy. So far the attractive climbing plant with its fragrant flowers and edible fruits is not very widespread yet. Can…
One-year-old sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are not hardy and do not tolerate minus temperatures at all. They must be sown and replanted every year. When is the best time to plant the popular summer flowers? Seed first, then plant Sunflowers are sown first. You can sow the seeds in small pots or in a growing tray in the house. However, they can also sow the seeds directly in the open. The…
Mangold is a biennial plant. Already in the first year leaves and stems can be harvested until late autumn. In the second year, between March and May, the chard delivers a second fresh green leaf. The prerequisite for this is…
Mangold is a biennial plant. Already in the first year leaves and stems can be harvested until late autumn. In the second year, between March and May, the chard delivers a second fresh green leaf. The prerequisite for this is the correct wintering of the hardy plant outdoors. Warm wintering grounds for Mangold unnecessary Mangold is winter-hardy and usually survives double-digit minus temperatures. This means that it is not necessary…